Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Science Fair Experience

Describe your previous science fair experience.


Anonymous said...

The science project I chose for last year's sciencefair was which breed of dog heard the best, it may have not been the most well constructed project but it was definetely the funnest, I like doing very hands on things, especially with animals.

-zach m b7

Anonymous said...

This is my second year doing a science fair project. Last year i did how much an egg can hold. I did everything last minute, so it didn't come out to well. I hope this year that i wil be more prepared with my project.

Anonymous said...

In elementary school, I had to do a science project every year since about 3rd grade. I can't remember most of them, but last year I did one on paper airplanes. It was really interesting.

Anonymous said...

The project i did last year was really boring. It was about studying the effects of light on color. This year I picked a topic that interests me more. I'm in Marching Band and I saw a kids over Summer Band camp reusing their water bottles after each practice despite the heat. In this experiment I want to see if the reuse of water bottles increase the growth of bacteria and what conditions most support it.

Anonymous said...

I did not have a science fair project in 3rd grade. No this is not my first science fair project. Last year i had a science fair but didnt win anything. This year i will do better.

Anonymous said...

In elementary school, I had to do a science project every year since about 3rd grade. I can't remember most of them, but last year I did one on paper airplanes. It was really interesting.


Anonymous said...

This will be my second science fair project. My first one I did was in the second grade. I tested what paper towl can hold the most weight and absorb the most water. My results came out well.

Anonymous said...

This is my second year doing a science fair project. Last year my project was to test whether lemon juice worked better as a face wash, than normal face wash. It was gross, but it was worth it, and it turned out that the lemon juice worked better. I did all the paperwork last minute, and it probably wasn't the best it could have been, but it was successful.

Kaitlin K B7

Anonymous said...

In 7th grade, I did a science fair project called "Recollection Rage". I was experimenting to see whether gender affected a person's short-term memory. I ended up winning first place at my school, and went on to win second place in the county for my division.

Anonymous said...

This will be my second year performing a science fair project. The last project I did was about the memory process in little children.We conducted the experiment on my little cousins.It was not too bad but it didn't turn out to be what i expected. This year will hopefully be more successful for me.

Anonymous said...

My previous experience was okay. I did mine on plants in different light. I got a good grade but it wasnt enough to win me anything.

Anonymous said...

Timmy P. B7

This is my first year in public school and at my previous school we didn't do science fairs. The closest thing to a science fair was in fourth grade. We had to make inventions for science. I made a pulley that could pull something across the room. I figured that if I couldn't carry it why not make an invention that can do it for me.

Anonymous said...

This is my second time doing the science fair, I never did it in elementry school. I'm none to fond of it, but you do find out interesting things while doing it. Last year I did an experiment to see if lighter [white] colored candles burned faster or slower than darker colored [black] ones.

~Caitlin T. B7

Kalynn said...

When I was in the 6th grade, I did a Science Fair experiment on "How the Color of Light Affects Plant Growth". That was the only Science Fair Project that I have ever done, though.

Everybody who participated got either a 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or Honorable Mention ribbon as our grade, so everybody was a winner of sorts, but if it matters, i got one of the 1st place ribbons..... =]

~Kalynn M. Erickson- B7

Anonymous said...

iv never done any science fairs b4. i gues im jus lazy as my spelln shows lol!

Anonymous said...

This will be my second science fair project. Last year i did my science fair project on tsunamis. My experience was ok, i didn't win anything. I thought it was pretty good but i guess not. I kinda did my project last minute so i am going to do this years earlier.

Anonymous said...

last year when i did my first scence fair project, my teacher made us do it on earth science, i did soil erosion, i didnt really wait to long but it took the grass a whilw to grow, we had to do it indide cause it was winter, but it all came out ok, i did not however win a blue ribbon

Anonymous said...

I have done a project almost every year since the 3 grade and i have never won. Mostly cause i waited till the last minute or they were not very good experiments.

Melodie B, B7

Anonymous said...

Last year I did my project on what scents made people relax the most. I hated it because my experiment did not go smoothly and no one took it seriously during my testing. I also waited til the last minute which did not help.

Anonymous said...

THis is my second advance science fair project! Last year i tested if Dog had the capibility to choice healthy foods by free-will. Where dogs health conscience?
Well i tested 2 name brand dog foods "Nutro Natural Choice (NNC)
, Iams" and then i made my own dog food made up of Oatmeal, apple sauce, egg, bacon, carrots they
were the main ingredients. Inamed it Healthy Dog Goolosh!(HDG)sounds Good right? well my dogs ate all of the HDG and would sometimes stray to iams, and woundnt touch the NNC (that was a daily and regular food that was surved to them) from my findings i thought that dogs had some sense of choicing healthy foods. But i wasnt saticfied, this year i wanted to continue my research but i couldnt b/c i had to find different variables. THat was too hard to create w/o harming the animals! But from this project i went to the 2007 Regional Science fair i got 3rd place in Animal Science! Yup talk about Nerd! lol

Anonymous said...

last year i did a stupid project that involved jolly ranchers and taste and stupid stuff like that. it was boring. i hated doing the project. Science fair projects are boring. my project this year should be fun.

Anonymous said...

this year is my first science fair project. I chose to bore out some base ball bats and fill them with rubber saw dust rubber and one with nothing. I think it will be a blast!!

Anonymous said...

The science fair project that I did last year was very interesting. What is the best pitch of wind mill blades is most efficient was what the name was. I learned that wind power in the future could replace gas and oil to make electricity.

Anonymous said...

This will be my first time to be involved with a science fair. My project is about the effect of endurance caused by sport drinks, so far,Ive learned about benefits about sport drinks that I never really thought about. I'm very interested in seeing how my project will turn out.

Anonymous said...

Last year was my first year doing a science fair project. I did it on the effect of different liquids on grass growth. It was interesting but very slow so this year i am hoping i will be more exciting. I almost made it to the science fair but not quite and i'm hoping to make it this year.

Anonymous said...

Last year was the first time I've done a Science Fair Project. I didn't really like it that much, it was the effect of chocolate on heart rate. I did it at 10 in the morning in my PJ's with my friend. She said I killed her comfort food. I hope that this year will be a lot better.

Anonymous said...

I did my first science fair project last year about the effect of growing plants with milk instead of water. I got the best grade in my class, so i think i did pretty well :D

Anonymous said...

I've never done a science fair project before, this will be my first. I don't remember ever doing one in grade school and last year my teacher didnt make us do one. I'm not really excited about doing one, it's kind of a pain in the butt to find time to do it with all my other homework as well as playing varsity football. Hopefully it ins't that bad and it will be over before I know it. I'm ready to just start the experiment part so i can get it out of the way.

Leona Hodges said...

This is my 3rd time doing a science fair project. The 1st was Pepsi vs. Coca Cola and the 2nd was Are Stereotypes Really True. Looking back at my old topics, this year my science fair topic has improved. My past science fair projects never won anything, but its not about the winning or the prizes for me.

Anonymous said...

I did one last year and it was really boring. I am wishing that this year will not be as bad.

Anonymous said...

I participatede in the science fair last year, it was not a great experience for me i picked a boring topic. I didn't win anything, maybe this years will be better.

Anonymous said...

I did the science fair last year and made it into the acutal science fair at our school. Doing my experiment was hard but it was fun just to have the experience.

ashlie a B8

Anonymous said...

id id a science experiment last year. it was super boring, and i had really no interest in this.
this year mason's my partner :) so hopefully he'll make it fun. Also, the experiment we're doing helps people otuside of teh classroom.


Anonymous said...

This year is my second year doing a science fair project last year i did pretty good on it and i hope to do the same this year.

Anonymous said...

Ive only done one science fair project and it was last year and i did it on plants and different liquids. Mine didnt win but oh well science fairs are boring to me anyways

Anonymous said...

I have never taken part in a science experiment before in my entire life....I look forward to this because my topic is very intriguing. memory is a wonder to me and I wish to understand the human brain and all of its parts. yeah...

Anonymous said...

This my second science fair project and I really dont like doing them because their really boring and take up all my time wich is limited cause i play varsity football

Anonymous said...

I did a science fair experimant last year and it drove me crazy. I had to find time to do it along with multiple clubs, sports, and tons of other homework. To tell the truth I don't really see much of a point in them, I think that they are there maily to give us something to do. Eh, who knows. This year all I want to do it get it done and over with!

Kate C. B8

Anonymous said...

This year is my second year having done a Science Fair Projects. Last year I did a project on Computer Speed, where I ran different amounts of programs at a time to see their effect on the speed of my computer.

Unfortunately, though, I crammed the project the night before it was due (oops) and it didn't come out as great as I had hoped. This year I won't be doing that, though!

Anonymous said...

Efe Aziegbe B7
this is my second science fair project. the first one was are streotypes really true. The first was good bacause i found out some interesting information.

Anonymous said...

I did a science fair project either in kindergarden or 1st grade, i cant remember which, but i did it on how if you put a celery in water mixed with dye that celery would eventually change to the color of the dye. I can in third for that project in the school, kinda funny seeing how i was in either first or kindergarden.

I was also supposed to do one last year...

Anonymous said...

This year is the second time a have done a project for the Science Fair. Last year, I found out that the afternoon had a higher wind chill than any other time of day. my project was called "Chill Out" and it won first place at the Regional Fair at UVA in the Earth Science category. I originally thought that it would be a little boring, but, overall , it turned out to be an enjoyable experience: exhausting, but enjoyable!

-Damian Sims, Block B8

Anonymous said...

This would be my second year participating the science fair. Last year I did "What materials Will Burn The Fastest?" I crammed it all in last minute and kind of BSed the results. This year I plan on actually doing the experiment and making it better! B8

Anonymous said...

I never did a Science project.

Anonymous said...

This is my first year doing a science fair project. I'm not very excited about it to be honest.

I guess that's about all I have to say..

Anonymous said...

Indeed i did win a ribbon in 3rd grade for my science fair project *cough* second *cough* This is my 3rd science fair project the first was in 3rd grade the second was in 7th grade and the third was this one.
Science fairs have always been pleasent enough.

Anonymous said...

Usman Z. B-8
ok i did a science fair project on almost the same thing as jean carlos did. i remember being all stressed about it when in reality my sister is the one who did all the work. she must have wirtten things that filled up atleast 30 index cards and i had to copy all of them down in my hand writing. It was a stupid easy project
but i got all worked up over it. then in sixth grade i was suppose to do one but i moved. i was suppose to do one to the place i moved to. I got lucky. i had already chosen a topic then bam, i moved back again. i was soooooooooo happy. then i did one last year which i dont think i should tell u about. yeah im mot really looking forward to this one but who know this one might not be that bad cuz i got a pretty smart partner. thats all i got to say.......peace out

Anonymous said...

This is my....seventh(?) science fair project to date. It has pretty much been routine in every science class I take. The most recent project topic (last year, Earth Science) was on hovercrafts. It was a waste of my life. Peace.

Anonymous said...

This'll be my second science fair project and, honestly, I'm not looking forward to it; last year's was alright, I guess, but it's a waste of time after it's all said and done.

Anonymous said...

This is my second time doing a science fair project. Last year was not so well Because my teacher extremely cricized my project. So this time i wish to try harder and not gert criticized.

Anonymous said...

This is my first scince fair ever, and im looking forward to it.

Deontae Simmons B8

Anonymous said...

the science fair project I used last year was if I changed the temperature of the enviroment a plant was in would it then grow faster or slower. it was well constructed and i got an 86 on my overall grade. this year will hopefully be a little better.