Saturday, February 23, 2008

Science Fair Reflections

A science project is your chance to choose a subject of interest to you and study it in the exact same way that a professional scientific researcher would. Now that you have submitted your science fair, it’s time to reflect.

1. In at least 1 paragraph respond to each of the following:
a. My project taught me...
b. The hardest thing to do on my project was...
c. I enjoyed most...
d. I could have improved on...
e. Next year I think I will...

If you did not submit a science fair project, explain why you choose not to participate.

2. Now you must respond to at least 1 student’s entry.

Remember to follow the Blog Rules:
I will not copy anyone else’s stuff.
I will not post or share personal information about myself or anyone else.
I am responsible for anything I post.
I will use proper English, appropriate language, and correct spelling in my posts.
I will only give constructive criticism and not post nasty things about anyone or anything.
I will not post material that contains vulgar, profane, abusive language

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Science Fair Experience

Describe your previous science fair experience.

Science Fair Fun

This site has been designed for you to comment and receive help on the Science Fair Process. You are required to respond to the three (3) teacher designed prompts and reply to at least one (1) student posting.